Kingky Straight Tape Ins

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Tape-ins give the most flattest and undetectable install look

Easy Removal & Reusable
Low Maintenance

One bundle comes in 40 pieces
100 grams of hair per bundle/ 2.5 grams of hair per piece

-The tape in installation consists of stacking one tape on top of another which is referred to as a 'sandwich"

ex. 40 Tape ins create 20 Sandwiches

Here's what we suggest based on density

-Fine hair 40-60 Sandwiches

-Medium Hair 60-80 Sandwiches

-Thick hair 80-100+ Sandwiches

The best tape in candidate is someone with enough hair to cover or disguise the tape with at least bob-length hair.

Tape-ins can last anywhere from 6-12 weeks depending on a few factors
- Your hair has to be cleaned thoroughly before the installation to ensure the tapes adhere properly
- We highly recommend getting them professionally installed
-How fast your hair grows
- How the extensions are cared for: Please avoid overly washing the root of the hair where the tapes are installed or directly applying conditioner and/or oil-based poducts on the tapes, as both can weaken the adhesive on the extensions.